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篇名 肺癌化學治療後病人照護需求與相關因素之探討
卷期 63:3
並列篇名 Exploration of the Care Needs of Post-Chemotherapy Lung Cancer Patients and Related Factors
作者 邱惠英林佑樺王金洲陳婉宜張晃智林孟志
頁次 062-072
關鍵字 肺癌化學治療照護需求症狀困擾日常活動干擾lung cancerchemotherapycare needssymptoms distressdaily activities interferenceMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.3.62





肺癌病人化學治療後之照護需求包括:緊急問題處置、衛教及問題諮詢和情緒支持。症狀困擾嚴重 度前三項依序為:疲憊、食慾不振及睡眠困擾。日常活動干擾主要項目為:保持社交活動、工作及 爬樓梯。肺癌病人化學治療後日常活動干擾(r = .30, p < .01)、症狀困擾(r = .23, p < .01)與照護需求 呈現顯著正相關。迴歸分析發現,日常活動干擾為照護需求之預測因子,可解釋之變異量為10.7%。



Background: Chemotherapy (CT) is the first priority treatment for advanced stage lung cancer. However, symptom distress, impaired ability to conduct daily activities, and post-CT care needs are potential side effects of CT. Purpose: To explore the factors related to the care needs of post-chemotherapy lung cancer patients. Methods: A cross-sectional study was used. One hundred and twenty-one adult patients who had been diagnosed with advanced-stage lung cancer and who had undergone CT using the Platinum and Docetaxel doublet regimen were recruited from a medical center in southern Taiwan. The instruments used included a nursing care needs survey, symptoms distress scale, daily activity interference scale, and patient characteristics datasheet. Results: Participants self-prioritized their emergency management, health consultation, and emotional support activities based on their perceived care needs. The top three post-CT symptoms in terms of severity were: fatigue, appetite change, and sleep disorder. Primary disruptions in daily activities during the post-CT period related to: holding social activities, work, and stair climbing. Significant and positive correlations were found among daily activity interference (r = .30, p < .01), symptoms distress (r = .23, p < .01), and care needs. The regression model indicated daily activity interference as a predictor of care needs, accounting for 10.7% of the total variance. Conclusions / Implications for Practice: These results highlight the relationships among care needs, symptom distress, and daily activity interference in post-chemotherapy lung-cancer patients. The present study provides a reference for nursing care to reduce the symptom distress, to enhance the performance of daily activities, and to meet the care needs of lung-cancer patients.

