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篇名 成果導向教育理念在課程教學之成功實踐
卷期 266
並列篇名 The Successful Practice of Outcomebased Education Ideas in Course Teaching
作者 李紋霞
頁次 018-031
關鍵字 成果導向教育成果導向評量高等教育通識課程課程設計outcome-based educationoutcome-based assessmenthigher educationgeneral education coursecourse design
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/168063602016060266002


成果導向教育(outcome-based education, OBE)推動理念四大核心內涵,包括標準參照評量、精熟學習、績效責任和能力本位教育,被認為是能確保高品質教育的關鍵, 因此,近年來成為國內外推展高等教育改革與評鑑的共同趨勢。本文將依據Spady的OBE 金字塔五個層面(執行範例、關鍵目的、關鍵前提、執行原則、和通用領域實踐),檢視一門優質通識課程的課程設計和教學活動如何呼應成果導向教育的理念主張,來驗證OBE理念在個別課程教學具體操作後其模式策略可達到的學習成效。


The four implementing principles of outcome-based education (OBE) are considered as the key of quality assurance in higher education, including criterion- referenced assessment, mastery learning, accountability, and competency-based education. Thus, implementing OBE principles becomes the common trend of higher education improvement and evaluation. Spady once proposed the content of OBE Pyramid as Paradigm of Operating, key Purposes, Key Premises, Operating Principles, and Generic Domains Practices. This essay employs the OBE Pyramid to examine how the course design and teaching activities of a general education course correspond with the OBE ideas so as to achieve learning effectiveness.
