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篇名 創新人才培育新取向:從成果導向教育到CDIO工程教育革新
卷期 266
並列篇名 The New Approach of Cultivate Talent: From Outcome-based Education to CDIO Engineering Education
作者 鄧鈞文
頁次 032-043
關鍵字 CDIO工程教育成果導向教育CDIOengineering educationoutcome-based education
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/168063602016060266003




With the rapid of society and industry in the future, there is a widening gap between schooling and employment. How universities can nurture the competitive talent for future needs? It is become a major issue for the current university education. European and American universities promote the alignment of CDIO engineering education reform is perhaps one possible way. Firstly, this study aims to discuss the advantages and disadvantages on Outcome-Based Education, and then introduce the history, philosophy and specific practices of CDIO. Finally, some suggestions based on the above results, as a university reference to nurture a new generation of engineering talent.
