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篇名 跨學期醫學人文課程學習成效評估:行動反思通識之教與學
卷期 266
並列篇名 Cross-semester Learning Outcomes Assessments of Medical Humanity Course: A Refl ection of Teaching and Learning in General Education
作者 黃淑玲
頁次 044-059
關鍵字 尺規教學法通識教育學習成效評估rubricspedagogygeneral educationlearning outcomes assessment
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/168063602016060266004


在高等教育全球化之下,學生為核心之派典(student-centered paradigm)儼然已成 為主流。學生成就(student success)是當今以事證為本、學習成果為導向的大學教與學 的終極目標。本研究運用一門開課超過六個學期、選修學生人數已累積254名之通識課程 進行教學法之綜整分析,以闡述課堂教學過程即是大學生之學習體驗的歷程;此綜整探 討包含三段式的課程設計、多重課堂討論的教學策略、評量尺規的設計和應用,以及質 化與量化並濟的學習成效評量。最後,筆者作為授課教師亦以研究者的角色進行回顧反 思,並提出以學習者為中心的二十一世紀之課室教學的四項具體建議。


In the era of globalization, the student-centered paradigm has taken the central stage in higher education. The student success becomes the ultimate goal of evidence-based, outcome-based teaching. This present study synthesized data from one general education course with 254 enrolled students across six semesters to further discuss the pedagogy, and illuminate how the teaching process in fact mapped out the journey of learning for all students. The pedagogy under discussion included a 3-stage course design, multiple formats of in-class discussions, the design and application of grading rubrics, and both quantitative and qualitative student learning outcomes. Finally, the teacher as a researcher reflected on the teaching practices and suggested four practical strategies to address the student-centered pedagogy in the 21st century.
