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篇名 許一個幸福的未來:「婚姻與家庭」的成果導向學習
卷期 266
並列篇名 Promising a Happy Future: The Outcome-based Learning of “Marriage and Family”
作者 傅清雪
頁次 060-078
關鍵字 成果導向學習幸福的未來outcome-based learninghappy future
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/168063602016060266005


學習成果導向的教學重點並不在於學生的課業分數,而在於學習歷程結束後學生真 正擁有的能力(Spady, 1981),以成果為導向的教學型態是當前高等教育發展的主流。 本文以任教之「婚姻與家庭」課程進行成果導向學習之課程建構、教學方法與評量方 式,將「性別與婚姻」、「從媒體看婚姻」、「家庭建構」做為主要結構,融入服務學 習的理念,以「許一個幸福的未來」為學習成果目標。透過文本、參訪、討論及訪談之 課程活動,鼓勵學生運用意會、感受、反思、聯想、對話等方式進行。結果顯示,修課 學生對未來幸福的目標更為明確,從修課前的著重個人主觀想法,至修課後則較能兼顧 他人感受。


The key of the teaching of outcome-based learning is not students’ schoolwork performance, but the ability they have learned from the learning process (Spady, 1981). The outcome-based teaching form is the current mainstream of development in higher education. This study applied outcome-based learning course constructions, teaching method, and assessment approach to the course “Marriage and Family”, which was taught by the author. The main elements of the course structure included “gender and marriage”, “marriage from the viewpoint of media”, and “family construction”. The service learning ideas were integrated into the course, with the learning goal being “promising a happy future”. During the course, through text, visits, discussions, and interviews, the students were encouraged to apply methods including understanding, feeling, introspection, association, and conversation. The result showed that the students’ goal of a happy future became more specifi c and clearer. Before taking this course, they had focused more on their own subjective thoughts. After the course, they could also give consideration to other people’s feelings.
