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篇名 成人生命教育及其靈性發展
卷期 266
並列篇名 Adult Life Education and Spiritual Development
作者 林堂馨
頁次 079-095
關鍵字 生命教育成人靈性life educationadultspirituality
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/168063602016060266006




This paper aims to explore the fundamental themes in life education, within which individuals inwardly endeavor to search for the meanings and values of life while outwardly engaging themselves in life education practices at the same time. The domains of inquiry include the establishment and deepening of perspectives of life, the inquiry and speculation of values of life, as well as the internalization and cultivation of the virtuous life. The topics of inquiry range from three fundamental questions (which are ultimate concern, value speculation, and spiritual cultivation), methods (philosophical thinking and iconology), and the core literacy for individuals of different stages of adulthood (early adulthood, 20-45; middle adulthood, 46-65; golden years, after 66). To prevent the spiritual and emotional stress the elders might encounter, such as a sense of guilt, loss of meaning in life, and lack of love and belonging, the author applied the three phases of development stated in the Great Learning as the discussion framework. The three phases are manifesting one’s bright virtue, loving the people, and striving for perfect goodness.
