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篇名 大學教育再想像:史丹佛2025之創新大學學習生態系統
卷期 266
並列篇名 Reimaging University Education: The Shifting Learning Ecosystems in Stanford 2025
作者 鄭育萍
頁次 096-112
關鍵字 大學教育再想像大學學習生態系統史丹佛2025reimaging university educationlearning ecosystemStanford 2025
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/168063602016060266007


本文簡介「史丹佛2025」計畫背景與四個創新大學學習生態系統,分別為開放迴 圈大學(Open Loop University)、依個人節奏而定的教育(Paced Education)、翻轉軸 心(Axis Flip)、目的學習(Purpose Learning)。其中,開放迴圈大學開創彈性學習路 徑,檢視大學與其他學習場域之界線;依個人節奏而定的教育則落實個人化學習理念, 創置學習者學習所需時間、空間與支援系統;翻轉軸心呼應當代能力本位學習訴求,側 重學生可跨領域運用的技術與能力;目的學習實踐問題導向教育理念,涵養全球公民應 具備之關懷、態度與素養。希冀藉由大學學習生態系統的指引,一同檢視大學機構的責 任、回歸學習本質、想像未來大學樣貌。


This paper aims to offer an overview of “Stanford 2025,” an experiential exhibit held by d.school, Stanford University in May 2014. The project team provides four possible modes of university experience, including Open Loop University (lifelong learning), Paced Education (personalized learning), Axis Flip (competency-based learning), and Purpose Learning (project-based learning). By challenging our mental model of on-campus university experience with the provocations designed in the four models, the readers are invited to reexamine the missions higher education institutions uphold in Taiwan, re-think the basic but essential question of what learning is, and spark our visions for the future of higher education in Taiwan.
