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篇名 亞洲國家學術專業發展國際化程度之探討
卷期 266
並列篇名 Internationalization Level of Asian Academic Profession Development
作者 陳榮政蘇少祖
頁次 113-133
關鍵字 高等教育國際化學術專業higher educationinternationalizationacademic profession
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.3966/168063602016060266008




Under the impact of globalization and the active of regional cooperation, the academic profession starts to change essentially. Especially in Asia, which has been viewed as a newrising area, is now making great effort to improve the internationalization level of academic profession. The paper aims to provide a thorough landscape of academic profession in Asia; through the investigation of four dimensions: (1) teacher’s international viewpoints; (2) internationalization level of curriculum content; (3) internationalization level of higher education institutions; (4) internationalization level of research process. In order to better understand the situation in Asia and provide suggestion for the development of academic profession. Overall, from the result, countries could learn from each other and take the advantageous strategies to promote the development of academic profession.
