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篇名 協助初次接受化療及術後腸造口存在個案之護理經驗
卷期 22:1
並列篇名 Nursing experience of a patient with post-operative colostomy receiving first course of chemotherapy
作者 楊蕙芳林淑琴
頁次 072-083
關鍵字 大腸癌腸造口化學治療Colorectal cancercolostomychemotherapy
出刊日期 201606


本文主要探討一位大腸癌轉移之女性個案初次面對化療及術後結腸造口存在之護理經 驗。筆者在2013年7月20日至8月20日護理期間運用Gordon十一項功能性健康型態評估個 案,經由會談、觀察、查閱病歷等方式,並將資料整理分析發現個案有「自我照顧缺失」、「知 識缺失」及「身體心像紊亂」等護理問題。住院期間筆者與個案建立良好護病關係,運用家庭 支持力量及醫療團隊合作,利用腸造口護理手冊及造口模型提供完整正確資訊及護理指導,以 加深學習成效;且教導化療副作用預防及正確飲食原則;並介紹類似成功案例分享經驗,幫助 提升自我照顧能力和減輕身體心像紊亂的感覺。使個案重新調整心態且正向接受結構改變事 實,積極面對治療,藉此經驗分享使臨床護理人員能有方向照護類似個案之參考。


This paper focuses on nursing a female patient who was diagnosed as having metastatic colorectal cancer, receiving her first course of chemotherapy after the colostomy surgery. During July 20th to Aug 20th 2013,we nursed the patient and collected the nursing data.The methods of data collection and assessments was based on Gordon’sllfunctional health patterns,which includes observation,face-to-face interviews,and physical access to medical records and other means.The patient’s nursing problems deficit,elf-care deficit included knowledge and body image disturbance. By using professional knowledge, establishing good nurse-patient relationship,working closely with the patient’s family and medical teams,colostomy stoma care manual and model to provide full and correct information and care, so as to enhance learning outcomes, principles of prevention and eating right and teaches chemotherapy side effects;We were able to successfully alleviate much of the patient’s physical- and mentalimage disturbance and help the patient to accept the colostomy as part of his body.and take a positive attitude towards the disease and the treatment. By sharing this nursing experience,the authors expect that this case report could be used as a referencefor nursing staff.
