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篇名 數位科技時代中美國遠距大學生的學業操守問題與因應
卷期 29:1
並列篇名 Distance Student and Academic Integrity in American Colleges: Challenges and Strategies
作者 陳鏗任
頁次 199-232
關鍵字 遠端監考學生身份認證學業操守academic integrityremote proctoringstudent authenticationTSSCI
出刊日期 201606


防範遠距大學生學業舞弊一直是美國大學推動線上教學時關注的焦點。本 文考察了美國近二十年來對於學業操守與學業舞弊之研究文獻,訪談十八所美 國大學院校,歸納目前遠距教學在確保學生學業操守所遇到的難題,分析學業 舞弊的樣態與可能的科技解決方案,提供國內華文MOOCs 在學習歷程認證上 的階段性參考。本研究發現,在學生身份認證及遠端監考上,目前已有可行之 新科技可用於協助確保大學生的學業操守。然而,運用科技方案來防杜學業舞 弊問題,仍然需要學校規章、教學與評量活動、以及校園文化的整體配套方有 成效。文末,本研究對開設MOOCs 課程的我國大學院校,提出提升遠距學生 學業操守的可行建議作為階段性參考。


This article provides a comprehensive overview of the academic integrity of distance student at higher education institutions in the United States. The advancement of technology challenges university practices in the prevention of online academic misconducts such as financial aid fraud and online cheating. The author reviewed related research literature, governmental publications, regulatory and compliance information, and the state-of-art of new technologies that may address such concerns. Authentication and proctoring service providers within eighteen higher education institutions were interviewed to capture up-to-date practices. This article concludes the importance of positive academic culture even if new technological solutions are in place to deal with these misconducts. Finally, insightful suggestions are provided for colleges in Taiwan that are offering MOOCs.
