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篇名 醫療工作者可能發生之公傷事件分析及相關危險因子探討—以北部某醫學中心為例
卷期 23:3
並列篇名 The Occupational Hazards of Health Workers and the Possibly Related Risk Factors—An Example of One Medical Center in North Taiwan
作者 陳運弘莊海華林劭勳陳昭源
頁次 181-190
關鍵字 公傷職業傷害醫療工作者occupational injuryhospitalhealth workerTSCI
出刊日期 201607


目的:據職業安全衛生法之定義,其他與職業相關之情形,如公差時、上下班時所發 生之傷害亦可認定為職業災害。因此本研究旨在分析醫療院所中可能之職業風險因子、公 傷類型與公傷嚴重程度之相關性,以提供更加安全之執業環境建議。 方法:以某醫學中心之員工為目標族群,蒐集自民國100年至102年發生之公傷紀錄。 公傷發生時,由當事人及單位回報醫院安全衛生組,填寫公傷單;後續由安全衛生組追蹤 事件處理後續以及公傷假天數。職業分為行政類、醫事類、醫師類、護理類四組,公傷類 型分為:1.墜、跌、撞傷、夾傷;2.刺、切割傷;3.感染及毆傷事件;4.交通事故;5.其他等 五類。若有公傷假之發生,則視為較嚴重公傷。 結果:共計於三年間有808人次之完整回報的公傷事件。公傷類型以刺、切割傷發生 528人次為最多,感染及毆傷事件105人次次之;公傷嚴重者,以交通事故60人次最多, 墜、跌、撞傷、夾傷18人次居次。以卡方檢定可知,除發生季節外,年紀、年資、性別、 職業類別、公傷類型均影響公傷之嚴重程度(p<0.05);然而以邏輯斯回歸分析,發現唯有 公傷類型及發生季節,經校正後仍有差異(其他公傷類型相對於刺、切割傷,odds ratio值均 遠大於1,p<0.05;其他季節相對於冬季,odds ratio約0.3左右,p<0.05)。 結論:本研究針對各種可能影響公傷嚴重程度因素,目前以公傷類型,以及季節兩項 為有統計意義;性別變項為可能有統計意義。往後可以繼續深入探討有意義之變項與公傷 之關係,並且對於個案數不足,導致無法做出結論之變項持續研究。


Introduction: According to Occupational Safety and Health Act and Enforcement Rules of the Occupational Safety and Health Act, occupational causes of injury or disease mean all necessary behaviors and the accompanying behaviors at work that have relative cause and effect relations resulting from job activities. By this definition, various causes, such as traffic accident as going to work, food poisoning, need to be evaluated and considered. Human health and social work activities had higher injury rate in the investigation of Europe and Ireland. Therefore, we analyze the relationship among risk factors, occupational injuries and the severity of injury which may occur in hospital in Taiwan.

Purpose: The purpose of this study aims to figure out the relationship among risk factors, occupational injuries and the severity of occupational injury of hospital workers. We collect data about department code, birthday, gender, occupation, commencement date, date of occurrence, accident and loss day due to injury. 808 cases were included since January 1st, 2011, to December 31th, 2013.

Results: This study had included 808 cases within 2 years. The most frequent occupational injury in hospital is needle or cutting injury. However, the most possible cause of severe injury is traffic accident. The risk factors including age, seniority, gender, occupation, type of injury effect the severity of occupational injury (p<0.05). However, by adjusted logistic regression, only type of injury and season of occurrence effect the outcome.

Conclusion: According to the result of the study, type of injury and season are two possible risk factors to effect severity of occupational injury in hospital. Traffic accident is the most possible cause of severe injury in all kinds of injury. Further study to the relationship of type of injury and season to severity of occupational injury is necessary. Besides, other risk factors still need more cases to analyze any relationship to severity of occupational injury.
