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篇名 《春秋》書外諸侯「卒」、「葬」、稱名與同盟關係考辨
卷期 38
並列篇名 A Study of death (“Zu” and “Zang”), the names of Feudal Lords and their alliance with Lu in Chun Qiu
作者 陳溫菊
頁次 085-136
關鍵字 春秋義例左傳凡例赴告稱名同盟卒葬Chunqiunotes on the use of ZuoZhuanrecorded namesalliance“zu”THCI Core
出刊日期 201512


《左傳》解釋《春秋經》之書法,有所謂「發凡言例」的五十凡例,對《經》 文書法的解釋提供了概括性的論述,可作為理解《經》文、《傳》文的指標。但由 於簡略不文,闡述不夠詳盡,或者與《經》文內容相異,因此歷來爭議紛綸。《左 傳.隱公七年》第一凡曰:「凡諸侯同盟,於是稱名,故薨則赴以名,告終稱嗣也, 以繼好息民,謂之禮經。」據此,則《春秋》中凡記載外諸侯(其他國家國君) 之「卒」而記名者,應當都是魯國的同盟國。其次,隱公元年《左傳》云:「天子 七月而葬,同軌畢至;諸侯五月,同盟至;大夫三月,同位至;士踰月,外姻至。 贈死不及尸,弔生不及哀,豫凶事,非禮也。」顯示同盟諸侯「卒」,依禮,魯君 應派卿大夫參與發葬事,則《春秋》書「葬」者,亦當為魯國締結盟約之國。由 於前儒對於此說多有駁斥,本文擬就《經》文所錄外諸侯書「卒」且稱名,以及 書「葬」者,校覈查驗該國與魯國的聯盟關係。統計《經》文記載,書外諸侯「卒」 者125 人,其中115 人稱名;書「葬」者87 人。細查《經》、《傳》內文,凡有盟、 會、蒞盟、會盟、會伐,以及朝、來朝等,皆可視為與魯有同盟關係之國。一一 核閱魯同盟國與《春秋》書「卒」、「葬」者之聯繫,可推知魯之會葬,當是遵同 盟會葬禮而行,魯往會葬,則皆據實而載「葬」,若《經》、《傳》皆無會盟紀錄, 恐是史闕之故。又因諸侯世系間斷,或不書「卒」、「葬」者多矣,而《春秋》不 書「卒」者,當非遺漏,而是因於舊史,舊史乃據赴告而書,赴告稱名則書,不 赴告亦不書名。考察《春秋》書「卒」稱名、書「葬」而與魯同盟之比例約87%~88%, 史闕同盟紀錄約12%~13%,由此觀知,《傳》例同盟赴告稱名之說當是通例、禮例,故未能盡合。


Fifty notes on the use of Zuo Zhuan, not only offer the explanations of how Chun Qiu was written, but also indications to readers on how to understand these two books.However, the abridgment of ZuoZhuan and the different narration between these notes and the classic has already drawn a lot of attention for centuries. This paper focuses on the inspection of how the death (zu 卒 or zang 葬)and names of feudal lords were recorded in Chun Qiu, to examine the relationship between their manor territories and Lu. It also compares the records in Chun Qiuwith the notes on the use of ZuoZhuan, and then explains the difference between these two. This paper points out that, although according to the notes on the use of ZuoZhuan, the death of feudal lords recorded as “zu” with their names on the record, should be of lords allied with Lu. Similarly, the feudal lords’ whose death were recorded as “zang” were also allied with Lu. However, a comparison ofthe alliances of Lu mentioned in Chun Qiu with history records showsthe existence ofa gap between their numbers. Therefore, this paper argues that the notes of the use of ZuoZhuan could be taken as a general guide to understanding the classic, and that is the reason why the notes cannot completely match the narration of Chun Qiu.
