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篇名 蘇珊娜.瓦拉東與潘玉良女性裸像比較研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 Comparison of Suzanne Valadon and Pan Yu-Lin’s Paintings of Female Nude
作者 劉雙華
頁次 001-025
關鍵字 蘇珊娜瓦拉東潘玉良女性裸像Suzanne ValadonPan Yu-Linpaintings of female nude
出刊日期 201604


繪畫中裸女題材為常見主題,20 世紀東西方畫壇中,法國的蘇珊娜.瓦拉東(Suzanne Valadon, 1865-1938)其雕塑感濃厚的裸女作品為人所知;中國的潘玉良(1895-1977),賦色大膽,擅長 在豐腴女體中表現線條美。現代畫派對個性表現的重視皆展露在兩人畫中,形成獨特的裸女藝 術觀。兩位畫家生活年代交疊,有著相異的文化,畫的媒材也不盡相同,細觀兩者的女性裸像, 卻存在著某種特殊連結:輪廓線、構圖形式乃至色彩的使用等均有雷同之處,引起筆者注意並 探究兩人裸女像背後的創作思維、藝術追求。本文首先運用藝術社會學闡述畫家的時代背景與 藝術歷程,第二部分將作品分為幾項主題,追溯她們所吸納的藝術要素,並進行風格形式分析。 最後通過對照詮釋,歸納潘玉良女性裸像借鑑瓦拉東作品的可能性。


Female nudity is a common subject in paintings. In western and eastern paintings of 20th, Suzanne Valadon (1865-1938), as a French painter, is known by her sculptural, creative female nudes; while in the east, a Chinese painter, Pan Yu-Lin (1895-1977), depicting full-figured female nudes in bold colors and unique line. The lives and artworks of two artists at some points are similar and overlapped: miserable childhood, from the way of contour, color and composition in their artworks. The author was led by the resemblances of their female nude paintings to research their intentions and lives behind the artworks. The first part is the description of two artists’ background. The second part contains several topics in artworks for analyzing the styles and elements of their paintings. Through the analysis, it concludes the possibility that the female nude paintings of Pan Yu-Lin in some extent refers to Valadon’s female nude paintings.
