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篇名 2014 年雙北市長候選人 競選形象識別之研究
卷期 26
並列篇名 A Case Study on the Campaign Brand Identity of 2014 Taipei and New Taipei Mayoral Candidates
作者 張芝瑜蘇佩萱
頁次 027-068
關鍵字 競選候選人形象識別符號學文本分析Campaign CandidateBrand IdentitySemioticTextual Analysis
出刊日期 201604


選舉是民主政治的必然過程,過去的選舉傳播過程依恃人際關係與政黨的通路,而現代的 選舉大眾傳播媒介扮演著重要的角色。以我國的競選過程來看,宣布參選到選民投票日,幾乎 未滿一年的時間,候選人大多會採取透過競選標誌、文宣品等形象識別快速跟民眾產生連結, 藉以塑造候選人的正面形象,爭取選民認同以獲得最終勝選。本研究以2014 年雙北市長候選人 之形象識別作為影像文本,並以符號學式分析與文本分析研究方法嘗試對於候選人競選形象識 別進行探討。研究結果:
(二)藉由解析2014 雙北市長候選人競選形象識別的表現類型,得知候選人肖像於平面文宣與 競選總部的形象識別,喜愛運用表現正面光明有能量的形象照,競選官網與FB 封面相片 則搭配情境應用,展現與民眾親近的形象;輔助圖形歸納出影像式輔助圖形與圖像式的 輔助圖形兩種類型。
(三)研究雙北市長候選人在網路競選的視覺呈現與分析網路競選形象的視覺設計上,發現柯 文哲的競選官網以播放影片為主,朱立倫的競選官網以網友留言為主,顯示這次2014 雙 北市長選舉在新媒體的視覺表現方面強調網路互動性,重視支持度的呈現方式。


Elections are an inevitable process of the democracy. The election communication process depended on the social interaction of political parties in the past, but mass communications media now plays an important role in elections. To take the election process of Taiwan as an example, when candidates standing for election to the polling day, it often takes no longer than a year. Candidates almost always quickly establish a link with people by election logos, publicities, etc. Through these methods, a candidate builds his/her positive character, and fights for voters’ identification to win an election. This study aims to investigate the campaign Brand Identity as “ Image Text” proposed by the four candidates of the 2014 Municipality Major Elections in Taipei City and New Taipei City. The researchers employ semiotic analysis and textual analysis to conduct this study, which results in the findings as follows:
(A) According to the semiotic analysis interns of Ferdinand de Saussureure’s theory, the campaign logos can be divided into two types, “a simplified Geometric pattern” and “an active Inorganic pattern”. Furthermore, the image representations of textual graphics are more in line with election claims, especially those of Ko, Wen-je, Yu, Shyi-kun, and Chu, Li-luan.
(B) The candidate’s brand identity at the Graphic Design and Election Headquarters prefer expressions with a bright and positive application. However, at Election Official Websites and Facebook pages, match the situation application and close to people image. The supporting graphics can be divided into two types “Image type” and “Graphic type”.
(C) During the visual presentation of the internet campaign and visual design of the internet campaign image, the study found that the official election site of Ko, Wen-je mainly broadcast films, while the official election site of Chu, Li-luan left messages by netizens. The findings indicate the visual expression of new media especially emphasize. Website Interactivity and netizen support.
