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篇名 冥想臺灣—從叔本華美學論《一個城市與馬勒的對話》
卷期 26
並列篇名 To meditation of Taiwan— From Schopenhauer aesthetics in “A City’s Conversation with Mahler”
作者 李佳霖
頁次 093-104
關鍵字 叔本華鍾耀光一個城市與馬勒的對話音樂美學Arthur SchopenhaueYiu-Kwong ChungA City’s Conversation with MahlerMusic aesthetics
出刊日期 201604


本研究試圖以叔本華《意志與表象的世界》中,所謂「音樂就像世界」之觀點,來探索《一 個城市與馬勒的對話》之意涵,進而理解音樂藝術客體化展現音樂家意志的過程 。


According to the 19th century German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer, art is closely related to human life, especially music, which abstraction outlines the sublime of human spirit. Schopenhauer’s thoughts affected numerous artists, his aesthetics of music had deeply influenced many compositions of music, Mahelr is one of the best examples.
Born in Hong Kong but based in Taiwan, the contemporary composer Yiu-Kwong Chung’s work for choir and double orchestra, A City’s Conversation with Mahler, is an expression of the cultivated society and historical culture of Taiwan through the aesthetics of Mahler. Through the vision of an outsider, the work reflects the local spirit and mentality; with its unique language, the work embodies the inner meanings and outer appearance of Taiwan.
This paper aims to explore the aesthetics of Yiu-Kwong Chung’s A City’s Conversation with Mahler through the vision of ‘music is the melody whose text is the world’ from Schopenhauer’s The World as Will and Representation, as well as the embodying process of objectification of musician’s will by musical art.
