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篇名 編者的話
卷期 63:4
並列篇名 Editor’s Remarks
作者 黃芷苓
頁次 000-000
出刊日期 201608


社區健康服務已日益多元化及多樣貌,2017年5月27日國際護理協會(International Council of Nurses, ICN)將在西班牙巴塞隆納召開國際護理大會,大會主題共11項,其中包括「災難/衝突/流行病」、「平等/倫理/人權」、「運用資訊與溝通科技支持護理人員改善照護品質」,因此本專欄呼應ICN大會主題,就社區健康相關議題一一陳述,第一篇介紹面對氣候變遷,其健康影響和護理教育因應。第二篇闡明在社區護理實務中,針對高齡者推展預立醫療自主照護,以法律和倫理觀點,討論高齡者在健康或意識清楚時,就可以自主決定自己的照護決策,社區護理人員提供多元預立醫療自主計畫,包括介入時機、過程、工具與資源,以提升高齡者對此議題的認知與正向態度。第三篇強調高齡化社會中,喪偶老人的健康需求與護理措施。第四篇和第五篇是系統性文獻回顧,建議應用醫療科技提供台灣少數族裔血壓控制的護理措施,以及護理人員引領社區老人慢性病照護模式,促進自我管理、照護轉介和資源運用。本專欄涵蓋多層面的社區健康議題討論,期望提供廣泛且深入的社區專業知能,以利讀者精進專業實務。


Community health involves an expanding and increasingly diverse set of services. Articles in the current issue reflect three of the eleven themes that have been announced for the upcoming International Council of Nurses (ICN) Congress to be held in Barcelona from May 27th, 2017. These three include “disasters/conflicts/pandemics”, “equity/ethics/human rights”, and “information and communication technology (ICT) supporting nurses at the forefront and improving quality of care”. The first article in this issue addresses the challenges of climate change, climate-change-related health issues, and the development of nursing education. The second article introduces the implementation of advance care planning (ACP) among the community-dwelling elderly, addressing from legal and ethical perspectives the right of elderly individuals to make their own healthcare decisions. This article highlights how community nurses facilitate ACP in various ways, including decisions regarding intervention timing, procedures, medical facilities, and medical resources. The third article presents the widowhood-related health needs of the elderly and related nursing care. Furthermore, a systematic review article discusses the efficacy of telemedicine interventions in improving the management of hypertension among ethnic minorities in Taiwan. Another article explains the nurse-led care services provided to community elders with chronic diseases in order to enhance their self-management, healthcare referrals, and resource utilization. The articles in the current issue encompass multiple perspectives on community health issues and address broad and in-depth knowledge in order to promote the readers’ community-related professional practice.


