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篇名 面對氣候變遷與健康的挑戰—未來的護理教育
卷期 63:4
並列篇名 Confronting the Health-Related Challenges of Climate Change: Nursing Education for the Future
作者 吳佩芝李其蓁
頁次 005-012
關鍵字 氣候變遷氣候變遷調適健康影響護理教育climate changeclimate change adaptationhealth effectsnursing educationMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201608
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.4.5




Climate change is the greatest threat to public health in the 21st century. The increasing health impact of heat waves, the increasing magnitudes and spatial expansions of vector and water-borne diseases epidemics, and the increasing medical burdens of biological allergic illnesses, worsening local air pollution, and other related issues are expected to continue to increase in severity in the near future. All of these issues are global problems that must be faced. Adaptation strategies and action plans related to climate change are needed and emerging. Moreover, integrating the basic concepts, scientific evidences, and new technology into public and professional education systems is already recognized as a priority in the national adaptation program. Nurses stand on the frontlines of medical care and health communication. The integration of climate change and adaptation to climate change into nursing education and training is become increasingly important. This article reviews both the expected health impacts of climate change and the mitigation and adaptation strategies that have been proposed / adopted by medical care facilities around the world. Further, we outline the current, priority needs for action in medical care facilities in Taiwan in order to mitigate and adapt to climate-change-related healthcare issues. Additionally, we present an integrated strategic plan for educating healthcare professionals, including nurse, in the future. We hope that the ideas that are presented in this paper encourage multidisciplinary cooperation and help bridge the gap between technology development and practical application in Taiwan’s medical care system.

