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篇名 喪偶對高齡者健康及生活之衝擊及護理
卷期 63:4
並列篇名 The Impacts of Widowhood on the Health and Life of Elderly People and R elated Nursing Care
作者 李月萍陳清惠
頁次 019-024
關鍵字 喪偶高齡者健康生活護理widowhoodelderly peoplehealthlifenursingMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201608
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.4.19




Widowhood, an unavoidable and stressful situation, has been associated with negative effects in elderly people during later life. This article reviews and summarizes the influences of widowhood on the health, daily life, and social life of elderly people. The influences of widowhood on elderly people may vary by gender, spousal relationship, and cohort background. In order to provide nursing care as early as possible, nurses must cooperate with professionals from social-welfare and / or community-support systems to identify high-risk widowed elderly. When nurses assess the influences of widowhood on elderly people, they should consider the interactions among gender, spousal relationship, and cohort background. Furthermore, nurses may apply various strategies based on the needs of elderly people to improve the health and quality of life of patients. Suggestions include providing appropriate nursing care, offering positive social support, adjusting daily-life routines, and arranging activity programs based on care-recipient interests and resources.

