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篇名 基於理性行為理論的孕婦運動行為現況調查及影響因素分析
卷期 63:4
並列篇名 A Survey and Analysis of Exercise Among Pregnant Women Conducted Using the Theory of Reasoned Action
作者 黃盼彭文濤羅碧如
頁次 050-059
關鍵字 孕婦運動理性行為理論pregnant womenexercisetheory of reasoned actionMEDLINEScopusTSCI
出刊日期 201608
DOI 10.6224/JN.63.4.50


背 景:孕期體重增加對妊娠結果的影響不容忽視,而個體運動是影響體重變化的主要因素之一,因此妊娠期運動的管理顯得尤為重要。

目 的:探討孕婦運動狀況及特點,以理性行為理論為依據,分析運動行為的影響因素,作為指導妊娠期婦女合理運動之參考。

方 法:採用方便取樣,研究對象選自成都市四所不同級別醫院妊娠期婦女進行調查。採用自擬式問卷,調查所得資料均採用Epidata軟體進行輸入與管理,以SPSS 21.0軟體進行分析。

結 果:總計587位懷孕早期婦女、522位懷孕中期婦女及522位懷孕晚期婦女完成調查。與孕前相比,妊娠 期婦女做家務人數顯著減少且乘電梯人數顯著增加;妊娠晚期每週運動少於3次,且每次運動時間少 於30分鐘的人數增加(p < .001)。經結構方程模型分析,妊娠期婦女運動行為受行為意向的影響, 而行為態度和主觀規範經影響行為意向而影響實際行為。月收入與教育程度經影響行為態度而影響 運動行為,母親教育程度藉由影響主觀規範而影響運動行為。

結 論:與妊娠前相比,孕期婦女運動行為仍有待改善,其行為並受到自身及家庭、社會規範的影響。


Background: Prior research has highlighted the significant relationship between gestational weight gain and pregnancy outcomes. Exercise is one of the main factors that affects body weight. Therefore, exercising appropriately during pregnancy is an important activity for promoting healthy pregnancy outcomes.

Purpose: To explore the status and features of maternal exercise during pregnancy and to analyze the related influence factors using the “theory of reasoned action” in order to provide evidence-based guidance on exercise during pregnancy.

Methods: Convenience sampling was used to recruit pregnant women from four hospitals of different administrative levels in Chengdu, China. A self-developed questionnaire was used to collect data. Data were input using Epidata and analyzed using SPSS 21.0.

Results: Data provided by 587 pregnant women in their first trimester, 522 in their second trimester, and 522 in their third trimester were used in analysis. Significant differences were found between the three groups in terms of housework loading and lifting. Further, participants in the third trimester were significantly more likely to exercise less than 3 times per week and less than 30 minutes per session than their first and second trimester peers (p < .001). Structural equation modeling identified that: behavior intention had a significant effect on level of physical activity; attitudes and norms affected behavior by affecting intention; monthly income and educational background affected behavior by influencing attitude; and educational background affected behavior by influencing perceived norms.

Conclusion: The findings of the present study support that personal situation, the family, and social norms impact the behavior of women significantly more during pregnancy than before pregnancy.

