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篇名 理財教育的槪念及其相關效益分析
卷期 24
並列篇名 A study on the concepts and effects of financial Education
作者 曾永清
頁次 001-041
關鍵字 理財教育效益理財知能理財素養effect of financial educationfinancial capabilityfinancial literacy
出刊日期 201601
DOI 10.6231/CEL.2016(24)01


本研究由理財素養與理財知能兩部份的論述與比較開 始,説明理財教育内涵與可能之投資效益。在全球金融危 機之後,理財素養的重要性獲得了國際認可,被認爲是一 個人重要的生活技能。許多國家將理財教育納入學校課程 内,並設計專門的課程綱要。在學校中實施理財教育課程 被認爲是最有效、公平的方式,能夠影響一整個世代人群。 理財素養是一種人力資本,透過理財教育,就能累積 國家的人力資本,促進社經發展。研究發現理財教育課程 有助於提高理財責任與決策、所得與職業、金錢管理與規 劃、信用與借贷、風險管理與保險、儲蓄與投資等Jump$tart 聯盟K-12個人理財課程標準的六大主題,此外理財課程具 備提升金融服務業效益、個人身心健康、工作與理財滿意 度、思辨和分析能力等效益,同時能產生知識與技能外溢 2公民教育與活動領導學報第二十四輯 性與促進國家經濟發展。


This study begins with a comparison of financial literacy and financial capability. It then explains the possible concepts and effects of financial education. After the onslaught of the global financial crisis, possessing financial literacy issues gained international awareness as one of the important life skills. Many countries have included finance education into their school curriculums and designed special lesson guidelines. Besides, the implementation of financial education programs in schools is considered the most efficient and equitable way to positively affect an entire generation of people. The results showed that financial literacy is one of the human capital; through financial education, countries will be able to accumulate human capital and promote socio-economic development. Various studies have found that financial education programs help to improve: Financial Responsibility and Decision Making; Income and Careers; Planning and Money Management; Credit and Debt; Risk Management and Insurance; and Saving and Investing, which are the six themes in Jump$tart Coalition personal finance K-12 curriculum standards. In addition, these programs can enhance the financial services benefits, personal health, job and financial satisfaction, reasoning and analytical ability, generate spillover of knowledge and skills, and promote national economic development.
