
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 臺灣大學校院數位化就業輔導因素結構及策略之探究
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 A Study on the Factorial Structure and Strategy of University Digital Employment Counseling in Taiwan
作者 湯堯蘇建洲
頁次 001-031
關鍵字 大學校院數位化就業輔導因素結構策略探究digital employment counselingfactorial structurestrategy studyTSSCI
出刊日期 201608
DOI 10.3966/156082982016081903001


本研究目的主要在於透過建構臺灣大學校院數位化就業輔導量表探究其因素結 構,進而提出應有之因應策略。本研究文獻基礎乃是透過國內外期刊探討大學校院 數位化就業輔導議題,並整理出初步量表因素結構與題項。本研究方法是以焦點團 體對於文獻分析所得初步量表因素結構與題項進行篩選,再透過探索性因素分析 (exploratory factor analysis, EFA)對其分類純化。以隨機方式對於全國日間部大 學生共計817位樣本進行探索性因素分析,以確認一階與二階潛在因素與測量變 項,並透過驗證性因素分析(confirmatory factor analysis, CFA)之整體適配性、項 目信度、組成信度、區別效度與收斂效度,檢驗本研究所假設的最適模式:二階層 因素模式,以驗證本量表的因素結構。研究結果發現,量表共有三個二階潛在因 素、六個一階潛在因素及其所屬測量變項,並證實具穩定性的二階層因素模式結 構。最後,依據研究發現提出教育行政與政策制定建議。


The main purpose of the present study was to construct the university digital employment counseling services scalogram in Taiwan, and further, to propose relevant strategies based on a study of the factorial structure of the scalogram. The literature foundation was built on the exploration of the university digital employment counseling issues, and according to the literature, the factorial structure and items of the preliminary scalogram were formed. The first step of the research method was to confirm the factorial structure and items of preliminary scalogram by focus group, and then to reclassify and to purify the structure and items by exploratory factor analysis. The second step was to collect 817 valid samples from undergraduates in Taiwan for exploratory factor analysis in order to ensure the first and second order latent factors and their measure variables, and then to confirm the factorial structure and to examine the suggested optimal model of the present study—second order factorial model—by confirmatory factor analyses which included overall model fits, item reliability, composite reliability, discriminant validity, and convergent validity. The results indicated that three second order latent factors and six first order latent factors and their measure variables were extracted in the scalogram, and the second order factorial model was stable. Finally, based on the findings, several suggestions were made for educational administrators and policy-makers.
