
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 德國高等教育機構女性學術人員比率偏低與聯邦政府資助措施之探討
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 The Lower Proportion of Female Academic Researchers in German Higher Education Institutes and Supports from the Federal Government
作者 余曉雯楊婷湞江琼玉
頁次 033-063
關鍵字 女性學術研究者性別平等高等教育德國教育female academic researchergender equityhigher educationGerman educationTSSCI
出刊日期 201608
DOI 10.3966/156082982016081903002


女性在學術系統中隨著職位上升而參與比例率下降的狀況,並非德國之專利。 有鑑於此,德國自1970年代即已開始發展出各種相關研究,而德國聯邦與各邦政府 以及高等教育機構,從1998年之後,也將女性在高等教育學術系統中平等地位之促 進,視為是重要的政策與任務,並提出各種資助措施,以期改變此現象。本研究除 了立基在既有的歷史文獻上,理解德國女性地位與教育參與之發展進程外,也藉由 耙梳相關研究文獻,以瞭解在德國高等教育機構中,女性何以參與率偏低的各種影 響因素。而在分析了德國聯邦政府的資助措施後發現,其具有三項特色:一、 性 別不平等之覺察;二、性別主流化為主軸;三、透過量變帶動質變。


The situation that the proportion of women in the academic system decline with the rise of qualification degree, is severe in Germany. For this reason, since the 1970s, many researchers in Germany have already begun a variety of related researches. Besides, the German federal and state governments, as well as higher education institutions, have also regarded it as an important policy task, to promote the equal status of women in the academic system, and accordingly have proposed various funding measures to change this situation. In this study, it aims to review the development of the status of women in Germany and their participation in the education system based on historical documents, and also aims to analyze relevant research literatures in order to explain why the proportion of women in German academic system is so low. And after analyzing the funding measures which proposed by the German federal government, it also points out three characteristics of these measures: 1.to be aware of the gender inequality; 2. to highlight the gender mainstreaming as the axis; 3. to bring the qualitative change through the quantitative change.
