
教育政策論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 夏日樂學:本土語言暑期課程成效評估之研究
卷期 19:3
並列篇名 Happy Summer Learning: The Effects of Summer Class Project for Local Language Curriculum in Elementary and Junior High Schools
作者 林信志謝名娟
頁次 135-162
關鍵字 本土語言暑期課程學習態度聽力檢測local languagesummer classlearning attitudelistening abilityTSSCI
出刊日期 201608
DOI 10.3966/156082982016081903005




The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effectiveness, difficulties and implementation process of local language learning for elementary and junior high school students during summer session. The finding of this research focused on three aspects. First, as far as the administration process was concerned, it was found that the class schedule overlapped other school activities and thus might increase teacher’s administration workload. Qualified language teachers were not easy to recruit in the summertime. More effort was needed to increase student participation in the summer program. Second, as far as the design of learning materials and teaching was concerned, it was found that learning materials, including videos, should be related to students’ experiences; otherwise, it would be difficult to initiate students’ learning motivation. It was also found that current curriculum materials needed to be transformed to fit teachers’ instruction. Finally, as far as the outcome of student learning was concerned, it was found that all elementary and junior high school students, except for Hakanese elementary school students, showed improvement in their listening ability in Taiwanese Southern Min. Students were all satisfied with the summer program. For students’ self-evaluation of their understanding their own cultures, no difference was found between the pre- and the post-surveys.
