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篇名 白岩龍平與日人在清末湖南的調查與經營
卷期 35
並列篇名 The Investigation and Management of Hunan by Ryuhei Shiraiwa and the Japanese People in Late Qing China
作者 羅皓星
頁次 131-164
關鍵字 白岩龍平支那調查實業界中日關係Ryuhei ShiraiwaSino-Japanese relationshipHunan provinceTHCI
出刊日期 201606




After the Meiji Restoration, Japan started her overseas expansion in order to seek more living space and living resources. The Chinese mainland was one of her goals. For this reason, the Japanese paid much attention to things happened in China and pursued Japan’s foreign policy towards China. How the information was used to achieve economic or industrial purposes is a subject worthy of attention. A number of Japanese people engaged in commercial activities in China. They also conducted survey there to provide Japan as a reference for policy-making. By focusing on the study of Ryuhei Shiraiwa my paper explores investigative activities of the Japanese in late Qing Hunan. How did Ryuhei Shiraiwa take Hunan as his first step and, furthermore, expand his business in China? This paper finds that many Japanese people were driven by the concept of “Sino-Japanese Cooperation” and engaged in a variety of activities to work for amicable relations between China and Japan. With the signing of the Treaty of Shimonoseki, Japanese businessmen carried freely on commercial activities in interior China. Therefore, the grasp of the situation of interior China was helpful to the preparation of their commercial activities. Ryuhei Shiraiwa conducted many exploration and survey activities in Hunan. He not only gratified his curiosity for China but made preparation for future shipping routes. In the course of investigation, Ryuhei Shiraiwa gradually understood situations in Hunan . Thus, he became an expert on Hunan. Later, he was recognized as an influential China expert in Japan.
