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篇名 Predictors of Antenatal Psychosocial Stress in Taiwanese Women
卷期 24:3
並列篇名 台灣孕婦心理社會壓力之預測因子
作者 張倖綺陳淑月陳彰惠
頁次 193-200
關鍵字 pregnancy stressdepressionsocial supportmaternal fetal attachment孕期壓力憂鬱社會支持親子依戀關係MEDLINEScopusSSCITSCITSSCISCIE
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.1097/jnr.0000000000000122


孕期心理社會壓力乃是對婦女和嬰兒造成後遺症的危險因子之一。然而,過去的研究 鮮少關注妊娠心理壓力的導因或共存因子。



孕期壓力和憂鬱(r = .368, p < .01)、孕期親子依戀關係(r = .168, p < .01)呈顯著正相 關,但和孕次(r = -.137, p < .05)、社會支持(r = -.266, p < .01)呈顯著負相關。多元逐 步複迴歸分析的結果顯示,初孕、憂鬱、孕期親子依戀關係、低社會支持可顯著預測 孕婦之孕期心理社會壓力偏高,此4 個預測變項共可解釋20%孕期壓力的總變異量。



Background: Antenatal stress has been associated with adverse outcomes in mothers and their children. However, little research has been conducted to identify the factors associated with psychosocial stress in pregnant women.

Purpose: This study explored the predictors of psychosocial stress during pregnancy.

Methods: A convenience sample of 136 second-trimester and 164 third-trimester pregnant women were recruited from a medical center in southern Taiwan. Data were collected using a demographic form, Pregnancy Stress Rating Scale (PSRS), Edinburgh Prenatal Depression Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, MaternalYFetal Attachment Scale, and Interpersonal Support Evaluation List.

Results: The results of this study found positive correlations between PSRS and both Edinburgh Prenatal Depression Scale (r = .368, p G .01) and MaternalYFetal Attachment Scale (r = .168, p G .01) and negative correlations between PSRS and both gravidity (r = j.137, p G .05) and Interpersonal Support Evaluation List (r = j.266, p G .01). Higher pregnancy stress was predicted by depression, lower social support, maternalYfetal attachment, and primigravid status, which together explained 20% of the total variance.

Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Depression, social support, maternalYfetal attachment, and gravidity are discrete predictive factors of psychosocial stress in pregnant women. These findings add to existing knowledge of the factors associated with prenatal stress. Future research should include depression in a support model of antenatal stress management.
