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篇名 依附、因應策略和青少年生活適應困擾之中介模式分析研究
卷期 48:1
並列篇名 Attachment, Coping, and Adolescent Adjustment Problems: Examining Three Competing Mediation Models
作者 王櫻芬李欣潔王玉珍吳若慈
頁次 015-035
關鍵字 父母依附因應策略青少年生活適應困擾adjustment problemsadolescentattachmentcopingTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6251/BEP.20150508




The purpose of the current study was to explore the mediating effects of copingon the relation between parental attachment and adolescent adjustment problems among Taiwanese adolescents. Five hundred and nineteen 10th graders participated in this study, and the structural equation modeling technique was applied to analyze the data. The results indicated that different coping strategies correlated differently to parental attachment and that passive coping was significantly and positively related to adjustment problems while other coping strategies were negatively related to adjustment problems. Most importantly, attachment avoidance toward parents had significant indirect effects on adolescent adjustment problems through active coping and passive coping. Also, maternal attachment anxiety had both direct and indirect effects on adjustment problems through active coping and passive coping. On the other hand, paternal attachment anxiety had both direct and indirect effects on adjustment problem only through passive coping, but not active coping. Based on these findings, the authors recommend that interventions should be tailored to fit different needs of adolescents with high levels of paternal attachment anxiety and those with high levels of maternal attachment anxiety.
