
教育心理學報 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 後悔與生活適應:自我關愛及自我批評之雙路徑中介效果檢驗
卷期 48:1
並列篇名 Regret and Psychological Adjustment: An Examination of the Dual-Route Mediating Effect of Self-Compassion and Self-Judgment
作者 鄭怡林以正
頁次 077-089
關鍵字 反芻生活適應自我關懷省思後悔psychological adjustmentreflectionregretruminationself-compassionTSSCIScopus
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.6251/BEP.20150925




Past research on regret mostly discussed the effects of various types of regretted events or investigated individual differences on some cognitive characteristics to explain why regret leads to psychological well-being or illness. The authors argued that the literature on regret ignored the emotional processes in which individuals often undergo a back-and-forth self-talk. An individual examines one’s own behaviors and the consequences of one’s own doings in the forms of reflection, rumination, encouragement, or blame. In such a dialogue, an individual establishes different types of relationship with oneself, which might be a very important key to understand the way in which regret impacts psychological adjustment. In this study, we used two factors of self-compassion to index the processes of self-talk, and hypothesized that different self-compassion factors mediated the relationships between regret and psychological adjustment. The results showed that when facing regret, decent reflections increased self-compassion, which in turn increased well-being; on the other hand, it is through self-judgment which made ruminating individuals trapped in regretful mood and in turn negatively impacted well-being. The authors also discussed the role self-compassion could play when facing negative events and how self-integration is possible.
