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篇名 兩岸茶飲料行銷策略探討—以大臺北市及重慶市為例
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The marketing strategies of tea beverage cross straits—Greater Taipei and Chongqing
作者 林純如謝惠如吳英麗
頁次 051-083
關鍵字 茶飲料消費行為生活型態人口統計變數消費滿意度Tea BeverageConsumer BehaviorLifestyleDemographicsConsumer Satisfaction
出刊日期 201503


本研究針對涵蓋臺北市及新北市之大臺北市與中國西部直轄市的重 慶市,進行兩岸直轄市茶飲料消費行為的問卷調查;探討茶飲料消費者 的消費行為、消費滿意度、生活型態及人口統計變數之關係。 本研究顯示出大臺北市在性別、年齡、職業及可支配所得對生活型 態有顯著差異;重慶市則是在性別、年齡、學歷有顯著差異。兩岸之不 同生活型態消費者對茶飲料消費行為皆有顯著影響,而且消費者在茶飲 料消費行為對茶飲料消費滿意度皆有顯著之差異,對行銷策略具有實務 管理意涵。


This study investigated the consumer behavior of tea beverage cross straits which included Greater Taipei and Chongqing. We found that 94% of respondents have been purchasing the tea beverage, the main product is green tea; purchasing reason for consumer is quench; the enterprises’ promotion influence consumers purchasing; packaging choice is for carry; TV advertising and display of supermarket and convenient stores as the main information source of media. The characteristic of consumer behaviors have more purchasing frequency, longer using internet and more frequency in supermarket in Chongqing. The results showed that demographics, and in particular age, and education, exists a significant influence on the difference of lifestyle and satisfaction of tea beverages in Chongqing. In Greater Taipei, gender emerges significant influence on the difference of lifestyle and satisfaction of tea beverages. The lifestyle such as fashionable, disciplined and impulsive appeals significant influence on the differences of consumer behavior and product attribute of tea beverages, which personal preference is also emerging significant influence on the differences of satisfaction. This study implies the deeper insight of the beverage market segmentation and marketing strategy cross straits.
