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篇名 消費者對集郵票品購買意願之探討
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 A Study of Consumers9 Purchase Intention on Stamps and Other Philatelic Items
作者 張力侯啟娉林翠蓉閻宗達
頁次 093-116
關鍵字 集郵票品購買意願產品涉入StampsPurchase IntentionProduct Involvement
出刊日期 201503


本文旨在探討影響消費者對集郵票品購買意願之因素。郵局在臺灣 為國營事業,郵票又為其獨占商品,雖然在臺灣並無競爭者,但在環境 變遷下,郵局也面臨創新經營的要求。藉由本研究可了解集郵票品的消 費者,提供郵局未來經營的努力方向。本研究調查對象包括台北市郵局 之12個行政區以及全國13處集郵服務中心的集郵票品消費者為對象,共 發放750份問卷來調查,回收率為93.5%,有效問卷為673份。統計分析 係先以因素分析擷取因素及檢測量表的信、效度,接著以t檢定進行高 涉入與低涉入消費者之差異分析,最後使用階層迴歸分析檢測各項研究 假說。本文研究結果發現: 一、 服務品質、專業能力、票品創新與消費者購買意願呈顯著正相關, 顯示郵政票品之消費者亦相當重視郵局職員之服務品質、專業能力 以及票品創新。 二、 產品涉入與消費者購買意願呈顯著正相關,顯示產品涉入也對購買意願有顯著影響,且高涉入之消費者會有較高購買意願。 三、產品涉入在專業能力及票品創新與消費者購買意願之間,均呈現出 干擾效果,但對服務品質與購買意願間則沒有呈現干擾效果,顯示 集郵票品消費者對產品有其獨到的認知,而服務品質應是所有產品 消費者共同重視的因素。


This study investigated factors affecting consumers’ intention to purchase philatelic items. Chunghwa Post Company is state-run and has monopolistic domination over postal stamps. Despite the absence of competitors, with the change of the environment, post offices are also faced with an increasing demand for innovative operations. The research subjects were consumers of philatelic items in 12 branches of Taipei Post Office and 13 Philatelic Centers around the nation. A total of 750 questionnaires were distributed, and 93.5% of them were returned. 673 responses were valid. In analysis, factor analysis was first conducted to extract factors and test the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. Later, Pearson’s correlation test and t-test were performed to find correlations between factors and differences between consumers with high product involvement and consumers with low product involvement. Finally, the proposed hypotheses were validated using hierarchical regression analysis. The main findings were as follows: 1. Service quality, professional ability, product innovativeness, and purchase intention were significantly and positively correlated, respectively. It suggests that consumers of stamps are very concerned those factors. 2. Product involvement and purchase intention were significantly and 95 Journal of Performance and Strategy Research positively correlated, suggesting that product involvement also has a significant impact on consumers’ purchase intention, and consumers with high product involvement tend to have higher purchase intention. 3. Product innovativeness would moderate the effects of professional ability and product innovativeness on purchase intention but not the effects of service quality on purchase intention
