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篇名 主管與部屬之動機特質對賦閒受害之影響
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 The Effects of Motivational Traits of Supervisor and Subordinate on Target of Social Loafing
作者 吳孟玲陳淑雅
頁次 117-134
關鍵字 賦閒受害動機特質趨近動機趨避動機Target of Social LoafingMotivation TraitsApproach MotivationAvoidance Motivation
出刊日期 201503


本研究主要以動機特質觀點為理論基礎,探討主部屬的動機特質對 賦閒受害之影響,研究樣本來自74個團隊的主管及370位部屬,以階層線 性模式進行分析的結果顯示,個體層次只有部屬的競爭卓越特質與賦閒 受害呈正向顯著關係,而群體層次則是主管的競爭卓越及逃避動機特質 對部屬賦閒受害呈顯著的正向影響。最後,本研究針對相關管理意涵、 研究限制做出討論並提出未來的研究建議。


Based on motivation traits theory, this study investigated the effects of motivation traits of supervisor and subordinate on target of social loafing. We tested the model using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) with data obtained from a sample of 444 manager-employee dyads working in 74 teams. At the individual level, subordinates’ compete excellence was positively related to target of social loafing. At the work-unit level, the relationships among supervisors’ competitive excellence and avoidance traits and target of social loafing were positive. Finally, the implications of current study and directions for future research are discussed.
