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篇名 自行車赛會規劃要素之研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 Study on the Planning Elements of Cycling Race Event
作者 蔡孟娟李惠玉李泊諺
頁次 135-149
關鍵字 自行車賽會Kano模式Cycling Race EventKano Model
出刊日期 201503


本研究旨在透過Kano二維品質模式分析自行車賽會規劃各要素之屬 性歸類,從240個自行車賽參與者的調查結果發現,26個賽會規劃要素 中,歸屬於「當然要素」的有13項、「一維要素」的有11項及「無差異要 素」有2項。從研究結果可知,並非所有要素均為一維要素,這與過去認 知不同。對自行車參賽者而言,主辦者考量越多要素於賽會中,並不一 定就會產生越高的滿意度。在考量成本因素及管理效益下,應將當然要 素列為舉辦自行車賽會,要維持水準之上的基本依據;而一維要素,則 是需投入適量成本,以維持參賽者之滿意;若非必要,則無需將資源浪 費在無差異要素上。


This study aims to classify attributes for the planning elements of cycling race event by the Kano two-dimensional quality model. The study found that there are 13 "Must-Be Factors", 11 "One-Dimensional Factors" and 2 "Indifference Factors" of 26 planning elements form 240 bicycle race participants. In the study, we found that not all elements are One-Dimensional Factors, which results different from the past. In terms of the bicycle race participants, the organizers consider more factors in the tournament, and will not necessarily lead to higher satisfaction. In consideration of the cost factors and management effectiveness, the Must-be Factors should be listed as the reference to maintain a basic level for organized bicycle tournament. It is required to put the right amount of costs for the One-dimensional Factors to maintain the satisfaction of the participants. Unless necessary, do not need to waste resources on Indifference Factors.
