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篇名 《薩拉曼卡宣言與特殊需求教育行動綱領》翻譯:融合教育檢視與反思(二)
卷期 139
並列篇名 Rethinking Inclusive Education: Reviewing the Translation of the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education (2)
作者 呂依蓉
頁次 035-044
關鍵字 薩拉曼卡宣言融合教育The Salamanca Statementinclusive educationy
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6217/SEQ.2016.139.35-41


《薩拉曼卡宣言與特殊需求教育行動綱領》(The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education)與臺灣融合教育推行有許多相 似以及值得參考之處。因此本文旨在透過宣言與行動綱領的翻譯呈現以及將臺灣推 行融合的現狀與宣言和行動綱領的比較,邀請讀者反思臺灣在融合教育上的發展。


Many similarities of inclusive education concepts were found in the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education and the current inclusive education movement in Taiwan. Thus, this article aims to invite the readers to rethink about current Taiwanese inclusion educational policy through reflecting on a selected part of the translation of the Statement and Framework of Action and also its comparison with the current practice of inclusive education in Taiwan.
