
中國大陸研究 TSSCI

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篇名 當中國夢遇見網際網路:一種創新宣傳模式的升起?
卷期 59:1
並列篇名 When China Dream Meets the Internet: The Rise of Innovative Propaganda Patterns
作者 洪敬富司昕山
頁次 031-074
關鍵字 網際網路中國夢宣傳公共文化服務產品InternetChina Dreampropagandapublic cultural services/productTSSCI
出刊日期 201603


2012 年11 月召開之「十八大」標誌著中共第五代領導人習近平的上 台。是次會議不久,作為總書記的習近平旋即提出所謂的「中國夢」一詞。 此一表述,一方面代表習近平主政下,對於如何進一步建設「中國特色」社 會主義所提出的實踐目標;另一方面也標誌著「習李體制」所強調之「四個 全面」戰略佈局的核心,成為當下中共「馬克思主義中國化」理論道路上的 重要根基。爰此,中國夢儼然成為當前中國宣傳體制下,各級相關機構與新 聞媒體遂行組織動員及愛國主義宣傳報導的核心。然而伴隨著中國經濟、社 會環境的變化與資訊科技水平的進步,中共宣傳政府越發承受到宣傳成效不 彰的壓力。傳統主流輿論陣地的流失和社會主義核心價值觀的缺乏,令宣傳 體系需要因應外部情勢的變動而有所調整和適應。在社會主義市場經濟的環 境下,當前中國夢的宣傳出現了以公共文化服務產品為特徵的創新宣傳模 式,此種創新模式正是中共宣傳機器在習近平主政的時代下,對其宣傳方式 與時俱進進行調適的具體表現。公共文化服務產品以公益廣告和網路影片為 具體形態,以更貼近中國公民與網民的方式,政治性的架接黨國與人民共享 的中國夢,為政府宣傳服務。這種新模式雖以黨國思想為其最高的指導原 則,並以黨國利益為其最終的依歸,但就學理和實務而言,威權體制下的中 共宣傳機器已愈加隨著外部形勢和內在條件的變化而不斷調適,其宣傳工作 亦在兼具傳統媒體和新媒體的多重宣傳渠道下,廣泛結合包括個人、網民在 內的社會力與活躍的市場經濟力,以公共文化服務產品為其新特徵的宣傳工 作於焉展開並將持續。


The Eighteen National Congress of the Communist Party of China, held in November 2012, ushered in the fifth generation of leadership of China who is set to govern the decade ahead until the 2020s. Shortly after the Eighteen Party Congress, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed the slogan of “China Dream” to highlight fundamental objectives for realizing “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics” during his reign. Effectively, China Dream serves as the core of Xi’s governing ideology: Four Comprehensives. The Chinese propaganda regime has consequently launched campaigns to promote a series of renewed patriotic education via various party organizations, mainstream media outlets, government institutions at all levels, schools, and military, in the hope to restore the ever-declining political trust in the Party-State and their rhetoric. However, in the wake of deepening social and economic reforms, as well as technological innovation, the Chinese propaganda regime is now confronting insurmountable challenges and difficulties primarily from the cyberspace. The Chinese government has not yet given in. Rather, they have been learning quickly to adopt new propaganda tactics, in addition to traditionally heavy-handed Internet surveillance, regulations, and intimidations, to incorporate arguably more effective propaganda practices for traditional ideological and thought works in the information age. In this sense, the article proposes the concept of “public cultural services/product,” amidst increased forces of globalization, market economy, and information and communications technologies, to better capture new traits and scenarios utilized by the Chinese propaganda machine. This explanatory concept is being applied to the study of the current China Dream campaign in this paper. It is argued that this updated, grassroots-oriented, and nuanced publicity techniques is now emerging as a dominant propaganda patterns in the Internet era that it will certainly bear both socioeconomic and political implications for the Chinese Party-State in the decades ahead.
