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篇名 秦漢收律初探
卷期 5
並列篇名 The First Research to the Shou-Laws in Ch’in-Han Dynasty
作者 陳中龍
頁次 055-080
關鍵字 收律收孥秦漢Shou-LawShou-NuCh’in-Han Dynasty
出刊日期 200812


漢代親屬連坐有三種,一是夷三族,二是族誅,三是收孥。三種 涉及的罪行種類與刑罰的執行內容互不相同。收孥的特色在於連坐的 親屬範圍不像夷三族那樣的廣,只限於正犯的妻子與兒女,而且正犯 的罪刑也不必然是死刑,而是從完城旦、鬼薪以上到死刑之間。連坐 的妻子與兒女也不像夷三族那樣要棄市,族誅那樣要徙邊,而只是將 他們沒入官府為收人(官奴婢)。 收孥未見於出土資料,但張家山漢律有〈收律〉之名,兩者的關 係未見學者討論。收孥最早見於《史記‧商君列傳》,商鞅變法時訂 下收孥之規定,漢文帝元年(179 B.C.)才遭廢除。睡虎地秦律已有收 之規定,爰及漢初已成〈收律〉之篇,故收孥與〈收律〉曾經同時存 在。收孥之收者在人,〈收律〉之收者不但有人,還包括家中財物, 此收孥與〈收律〉之最大差別。 《史記‧孝文本紀》記文帝元年廢除收孥,廢除之後是否復行, 引起兩方討論。從司法案例所見,終兩漢之世,收孥不再復行。只是 魏晉時期,收孥的變相形式在某些規定中出現,這些規定被當時視為 重典,希望能夠收到「累其心,使重犯法」的效果。


There are three types of kinfolks which are implicated by law in the Han Dynasty, one is the “yi-sna-zu”夷三族, another is the “zu-zhu”族 誅, the last is the “shou-nu”收孥. These types are totally different in their contents. The characteristics of the shou-nu which implicated families are not widespread as the “yi-sna-zu”, and it only restricted in the criminal’s wife and children but not the whole family. Moreover, the criminal won’t put to death in every case, but between “wan-cheng-dan” 完城旦and “gui-xin”鬼薪to the death. The implication to the wife and children are not like the “yi-sna-zu” which would be killed, and also not like the “zu-jia” which would be move to the frontier, but confiscated by the government. It was unable to know when the “shou-nu” began, but it was definitely that the “shou-nu” was never used after the Emperor Wen abolished it. Only in Wei-Jin period, the “shou-nu” appeared in some laws but in different forms. And was believed that it was a stern law .
