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篇名 知覺組織支持與工作績效—正向情緒表達與角色外顧客服務行為之中介效果
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 Perceived Organizational Support and Job Performance: The Mediating Effects of Positive Emotional Expression and Extra-role Customer Service Behavior
作者 童惠玲
頁次 103-122
關鍵字 組織支持正向情緒表達角色外顧客服務行為工作績效organizational supportdisplayed positive emotionsextra-role customer service behaviortask performance
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/199553922016091002001




When service delivery occurred, it is the immense impact for firstline service employee whether to show positive emotional expression and extra-role customer service behavior, motivating customers enjoy the service. The present study in service industry context examined whether organizational support positively relates to positive emotional expression and extra-role customer service behavior, respectively, and also examined whether both of these behaviors from service contact employees enhance their task performance. Data were collected from 217 employees, 23 managers and 486 customers at restaurants in food service industry. To enhance the clarity of the causal relationship among variables of the present study, questionnaires were distributed at three time points. In this study, constructs with different sources (e.g., employee rated their perceived organizational support in T1; employee’s positive emotional expression is rated by research assistant’s observation, and customers rated extra-role customer service behavior in T2; while supervisors rated their employees’ task performance) in order to reduce the possibility of same source bias were measured. The results showed that perceived organizational support positively linked to positive emotional expression and extrarole customer service behavior, both behaviors thereby improving employees’ task performance; positive emotional expression and extrarole customer service behavior have the partial mediating effects.
