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篇名 品牌態度對品牌忠誠度及價格溢價之影響:品牌情緒依附的中介角色
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Effect of Brand Attitude on Brand Loyalty and Price Premium: The Mediating Role of Emotional Brand Attachment
作者 林少龍闕壯宏鄭伊真
頁次 123-140
關鍵字 brand attitudeemotional brand attachmentbrand loyaltyprice premium品牌態度品牌情緒依附品牌忠誠度價格溢價
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/199553922016091002002




The main purpose of this study is to explore and examine the relationship among brand attitude, emotional brand attachment, brand loyalty, and price premium. The study uses survey to collect data provided by a sample of regular consumers in Taiwan. The focus groups select 24 brands from 9 categories. The study assigns one brand to each questionnaire and therefore employs total 24 versions of questionnaires. Every 35 respondents answer one of the 24 versions of questionnaires and 840 questionnaires are collected. The final data are provided by an effective sample of 656 consumers. The results reveal that (1)brand attitude positively influences brand loyalty and emotional brand attachment; (2)emotional brand attachment positively affects brand loyalty and price premium; (3)emotional brand attachment mediates the relationship between brand attitude and brand loyalty, and, brand attitude and price premium, respectively. We discuss implications for theories and practices, and suggestions for the future study.
