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篇名 多國籍企業外派適應性與外派經營績效關係之研究——以台灣、日本、美國在泰國投資的子公司為例
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 A Study on the Correlations between the Expatriate Manager’s Adaptability and Performance—Taking the Expatriate Manager of Taiwanese, Japanese, and US Subsidiaries in Thailand as an Example
作者 黃玟婕
頁次 141-162
關鍵字 多國籍企業外派適應性外派經營績效multiple-national enterprisesexpatriate manager’s adaptabilityexpatriate manager’s performance
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/199553922016091002003




The present study aims at investigating the correlations between the expatriate manager’s adaptability and performance by using the method of survey on the expatriate manager of Taiwanese, Japanese, and US Subsidiaries in Thailand. A total of 700 questionnaires were sent to the managers of the subsidiaries run by the Taiwanese, Japanese, and US MNEs in Thailand. Totally 385 questionnaires were returned. After removing 117 invalid questionnaires, there were 268 valid questionnaires. The response rate was 55%. According to the results of the study, a positive correlation between the expatriate manager’s adaptability to different cultures and their performance was found. In the American MNEs, the expatriate manager’s adaptability produced a significant effect on their performance.
