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篇名 服務者人格特質與顧客滿意度關係之研究
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 The Relationship between Employee Personality and Customer Satisfaction
作者 周建亨 Chien-Heng Chou王如鈺 Ru-Yu Wang蘇冠年 Kuan-Nien Su
頁次 163-187
關鍵字 TaxiPersonality traitsCustomer Satisfaction計程車人格特質顧客滿意度
出刊日期 201609
DOI 10.3966/199553922016091002004




Customer satisfaction is considered a source of competitive advantage. In most service firms, enhancing satisfaction should be accomplished through frontline employees. In order to upsize the amount of taxi quickly, however, most taxi firms didn’t build appropriate management system in drivers recruitment. It might cause that frontline drivers’ service delivery couldn’t meet or exceed the customers’ expectations. The purpose of this article is to examine the relationship between frontline drivers’ personality traits and cusromer satisfaction, and the moderating effects of customers’ gender and age. We collected data from 222 sets of drivers and customers, conducted a series of hierarchical regression analysis to test our hypothesis. The results showed that the two personality traits – conscientiousness and agreeableness – had a strong effect on customer satisfaction. In addition, gender modrated the relationship between personality traits and customer satisfaction.
