
本土心理學研究 TSSCI

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篇名 知覺滿足需求的教養與青少年的適應表現:雙元自主能力的跨時間中介效果檢驗
卷期 45
並列篇名 Perceived Need-Supportive Parenting and Adolescents’ Adaptation: The Cross- Lagged Mediating Effect of Dual Autonomous Capacity
作者 葉光輝吳志文王敏衡
頁次 057-092
關鍵字 交叉延宕分析模型知覺滿足需求教養個體化自主能力適應表現關係自主能力cross-lagged structural equation modelingindividuating autonomyintrapersonal-domain and interpersonal-domain adaptationperceived need-supportive parentingrelating autonomyTSCITSSCI
出刊日期 201606
DOI 10.6254/2016.45.57


過去不少實徵結果陸續驗證了雙元自主模型的個體化自主能力 與關係自主能力有利於青少年的生活適應表現,但對於哪些因素可提 升青少年雙元自主能力發展的實徵探討卻相當缺乏。本文以跨一年的 追蹤研究設計資料,用以檢驗:知覺父母「滿足需求」教養對青少年 雙元自主能力提升是否具有跨時間正向作用的預測效果,並進一步探 討是否可經由青少年雙元自主能力的中介效果,分別對其在個人及人 際生活範疇的適應表現產生對應範疇優勢的正向預測效果。本研究以 1,419 位高中生樣本間隔一年的兩個時間點重複測得的追縱研究設計 資料,進行交叉延宕結構方程模式分析,結果顯示:知覺父母採用「滿 足需求」教養方式傾向較高的青少年,其一年後的雙元自主能力及生 活適應表現都明顯較佳。其中,知覺父母提供的「滿足需求」教養對 於青少年後續在個人範疇正、負向適應表現(幸福感與焦慮傾向)跨 時間的提升與降低作用,主要是經由增進青少年個體化自主能力的中介途徑發揮作用;相對地,知覺父母提供的「滿足需求」教養對青少年後續在人際範疇正、負向適應表現(社交技巧與偏差行為)跨時間的提升與降低作用,則主要是透過增進青少年關係自主能力的中介途徑產生效果。


Although existing works have demonstrated that the dual autonomy capacities (individuating autonomy and relating autonomy) are beneficial to Taiwanese adolescents’ daily adaptation, few studies have explored which factors facilitate the strength of individuating and relating autonomy. We investigate the superior mediating effect of individuating autonomous (IA) capacity and relating autonomous (RA) capacity between perceived need-supportive parenting (NSP) and adolescents’ intrapersonal-domain and interpersonal-domain adaptation with analyses of cross-lagged structural equation modeling. We recruited 1,419 10th grade students using a two-year longitudinal design to test the hypotheses. Results demonstrated that: (1) perceived NSP not only positively contributed to Taiwanese adolescents’ one-year-later IA and RA capacities, but also facilitated their oneyear- later adaptation; (2) the IA capacity at T1 primarily mediated the effects of perceived NSP on adolescents’ intrapersonal-domain adaptation (sense of well-being) and maladaptation (anxiety tendency) at Year 2, while the RA at T1 primarily mediated the effects of perceived NSP on adolescents’ interpersonal-domain adaptation (social skill) and maladaptation (deviant behavior) at Year 2. Limitations and future directions are discussed on the results of this 2-year cross-lagged analysis.
