
Journal of Applied English

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篇名 Needs-based Short-term Course Design: A case study of Indonesian students’ Ph.D. bridging program
卷期 9
作者 Hsiu-Hui SuTsui-Ying Lin
頁次 067-088
關鍵字 Case studyNeeds analysisCourse designShort-term course
出刊日期 201606



This paper presents a case study, which was the short-term bridging course as part of the Elite StudyIn Taiwan (ESIT) program took place in the University in central Taiwan. The paper aims to investigate: (1) how do the courses meet the needs of the learners from the students and teachers’ perspectives; (2) how do the courses help the learners with English ability from the students and teachers’ perspectives; (3) What is the students’ satisfaction level towards the program? The bridging program, which involved with three Indonesian senior university lecturers in an academic context includes EAP, IELTS Preparation and Chinese Courses, which were designed based on the students’ needs analysis. The data were collected through two questionnaires, the interviews with the teachers and students, course reports from four language teachers and the researcher’s journal and classroom observation. The results highlighted the students and teachers’ evaluation showed the courses have met the students’ needs. In the students’ interview, they commented the most they gained were cultural exchange and English ability enhancement. The students were highly satisfied with the university facilities, teacher qualification and the course arrangement. However, they also suggested more international, Muslim friendly environment in the campus should be enhanced.
