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篇名 應用同步輻射硬 X 光研究奈米材料
卷期 209
並列篇名 The Applications of Hard X-ray Synchrotron Radiation in Nano-Material Researches
作者 許火順莊裕鈞張仲凱賴彥仲張仲傑
頁次 040-048
出刊日期 201612


台灣發展同步輻射已經三十幾年,最初十年克服萬難興建了第一座台灣光源,1994 年台灣光源開放到今 年 9 月台灣光子源啟用已整整 22 年,台灣終於有了先進的同步輻射硬 X 光光源。台灣光子源屬於中能量 第三代同步輻射,在全世界同步輻射中 X 光亮度名列前茅。在硬 X 光區可以做到奈米級光點,供奈米探 測使用。也可以提供高同調性光源,給高解析度光譜以及 X 光散射、繞射研究之用。對於奈米材料科學 研究,頗有助益。本文除敘述同步輻射發展歷程外,並以應用台灣光子源的高解析度粉末繞射於奈米材料 研究為主,旁及其他幾種 X 光分析技術。


The development of synchrotron radiation in Taiwan has been proceed for 22 years since the fi rst beam of Taiwan Light Source (TLS) opened to user in 1994. The new facility, Taiwan Photon Source (TPS), opened to user start from September 2016. TPS is a 3 GeV synchrotron facility with the best brightness light of the medium energy synchrotron light over the world. The most promising characters of TPS are its narrow beam emittance, only 1.6 nm.rad, and its coherence. The beam size can be easily focus down to few tens nanometer and quite suitable for nano probe of image. In this article, we will describe the development of synchrotron radiation in Taiwan and the applications of high resolution powder X-ray diffraction to nano-material researches. Some other X-ray analysis methods are also discussed.

