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篇名 G小型基地台關鍵元件與平台之探索
卷期 168
並列篇名 Exploring Key Components and Platform for 5G Small Cell
作者 方士豪林敬衒劉俊男魏鴻富
頁次 026-033
關鍵字 長期演進技術第五代行動通訊行動通訊小型基地台硬體平台架構探索通道編碼快速傅利葉轉換
出刊日期 201612


因應第五代行動通訊技術標準(The Fifth Generation Mobile Communication Technology Standard ; 5G) 之高資料傳輸率(Data Rate) 與高頻寬(Bandwidth) 需求, 且資料傳輸率在次 6GHz(sub-6GHz)頻段至少要達到1Gbps,傳統工研院所開發LTE/LTE-Advanced小型基地台(Small Cell)之TI DSP硬體平台架構(Hardware Platform Architecture)已經無法符合上述需求目標;為了針 對5G行動通訊技術之硬體平台架構進行分析與討論, 本篇論文首先將第三代合作夥伴計劃(3rd Generation Partnership Project;3GPP)組織所討論之未來5G行動通訊標準趨勢進行介紹,並將其 中可能之關鍵元件進行資源需求分析,最後再針對各種關鍵元件之需求進行整體考量並提出可能 得硬體平台(Hardware Platform)架構, 此外亦分析此硬體平台之成本(Cost)與功率消耗(Power Consumption)。


In the fifth generation mobile communication technology standard (5G), the requirements of data rate and bandwidth are very high. Additionally, the data rate must be up to 1Gbps under sub-6GHz transmission. Due to the above high requirements, the traditional 4G small cell using TI-based hardware platform architecture developed by ITRI cannot meet the final target. To give analysis and discussion of hardware platform architecture for 5G mobile communication, this paper first overviews the future 5G mobile communication standard discussed by 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) organization. Furthermore, the resourc e requirements for possible key components in 5G standard are also analyzed. Finally, by considering the overall requirements of key components, the possible hardware platform architecture is proposed and related cost and power consumption are also analyzed.
