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篇名 Millimeter Wave Channel Model for 5G Communication Systems
卷期 168
作者 Chin-Kuo JaoKuan-Hung Chou
頁次 047-054
關鍵字 5GChannel modelSCMPathlossPenetration lossCalibration
出刊日期 201612



5G communication is likely to be deployed in high frequency band (e.g., 28 GHz). An accurate channel model is necessary to evaluate system performance at initial design phase. However, the valid frequency of 3D SCM channel models developed in 2014 is 2 – 6 GHz. It is not suitable for millimeter band. In order to solve this problem, a new study item on NR channel model was initiated by 3GPP in 2016. The NR channel model consists of common components and extended components. The common components specify the mathematical model and the algorithms used for channel coefficient generation. The extended components are used to model the physical phenomenon of millimeter frequency band. In this paper, we will introduce the NR channel model. Besides, the channel calibration process will also be described.
