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篇名 調幅與調相電流法實現併網型太陽光電發電系統之最大功率點追蹤及功因補償
卷期 29
並列篇名 Current Amplitude and Phase Modulations to Implement the MPPT and the Power Factor Compensation in a Grid-Connected PV Generation System
作者 李象
頁次 001-016
關鍵字 最大功率點追蹤功因補償電流調變市電併網太陽光電發電系統MPPTpower factor compensationscurrent modulationsgrid-connectedphotovoltaic generation systems
出刊日期 201610




Current amplitude and phase modulations to implement the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and the power factor compensation in a grid-connected PV generation system are proposed in this paper. Firstly, the linear relationship between the maximum power point (MPP) voltage and the open-circuit one in the solar panel (or in the sensing cell) is taken. Then, the MPP voltage of the solar panel is decided by the measured open-loop voltage of the sensing cell. The real-time operating voltage is compared with the decided MPP voltage on the PV panel. Taking a voltage control on the PV system, the amplitude modulation is conducted on the output current of an inverter. The system will fall into the MPP operation through a load increasing or decreasing process in the solar panel. One way taking the image parts of the inverter current and the load current is proposed in the paper. Then, comparing these image parts each other, and modulating the current phase of the inverter, the variety of a plus or a minus phase modulation can prompt a complete compensation between the image part of the inverter output current and the one of the load current. Consequently, an outcome with a unitary power factor can be produced. Through the experimental tests, it reveals that the proposed approach can achieve the maximum power point tracking (MPPT) and the power factor compensation for a grid-connected PV generation system. Without additions of hardware components, the MPPT and the power factor compensation can be simultaneously implemented for a user with an installed grid-connected PV system, and then the user will get more incomes from the sale of electric powers and can also reduce a power bill from the purchase of electric powers. The proposed approach for obtaining the MPPT and the power factor compensation is characterized by a simple control and an easy implementation.
