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篇名 第二代太陽能熱水器儲水桶之分隔圓盤位置最佳化研究
卷期 29
作者 李俊德朱奐玫
頁次 017-026
關鍵字 節能減碳太陽能熱水器儲水桶green powerSolar Energywater- heating tank
出刊日期 201610




In the recent time, because of global warming caused by the growing environmental disaster, government and non-government agencies around the world are actively involved in the implementation of energy saving and carbon reducing products and plans. As we know solar water-heater was kind of environment friendly product, but it wasn't. The reason is that the first generation of conventional storage tank water heater design is not ideal .While we using hot water, hot water consumption will make the other side into cold water , this make the water temperature decreased storage bins .So that auxiliary power heating device has to be use , thereby increasing the consumption of other energy sources . In order to slove the weakness of the first generation water-heating tank. The second generation water-heating tank, which put a dividing disk in the tank has been invented. The dividing disk likes partition wall, separating two room inside the tank. There is a aqueduct between the left room and right room. When cold water flows in the tank, it flows in right room first, and flows in left room slowly by aqueduct. This research is willing to find the best position to set dividing disk and make it bring into maximum affect .
