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篇名 LED 實驗系統之設計
卷期 29
並列篇名 Design of an LED experimental system
作者 黃新賢林宜賢
頁次 027-044
關鍵字 LED 實驗系統嵌入式系統LED experimental systemembedding system
出刊日期 201610


本系統主要是提供一個LED 教學實驗系統,訓練學生具有LED 照明系統的設計及整合能 力。實驗系統依學習進度,分成基礎、進階與專題製作三個階段:(i)基礎階段:包括LED 參 數與特性量測、電壓與顏色之關係、電壓源與電流源與LED 驅動器測試等實驗單元。一步一步 的教導學生了解LED 的特性與量測。(ii)進階階段:包括降壓型LED 驅動電路、升壓型LED 轉換電路、升降壓兩用型LED 轉換電路、具有功率因素校正的LED 驅動電路及返馳型轉換電路 等實驗單元。由淺入深,按部就班,層層引導的介紹LED 照明驅動電路設計原理及應用。(iii) 專題製作:是結合基礎和進階單元所介紹的理論與實驗,及嵌入式系統,引導學生製作專題,包 括(a)紅綠燈號誌控制(b)小綠人交通號誌控制、(c)結合b、c 之紅綠燈暨小綠人交通號誌 控制、(d)智慧型LED 照明燈具。


This system is mainly to provide a LED teaching experimental system, training students to have the ability to design and integrate an LED lighting system. Experimental system according to the learning progress divided into foundation, advanced and special topic in three stages: (i) Foundation Stage: Includes LED parameters and characteristics of measurement, the relationship between voltage and color, the voltage source and current source LED driver testing experimental unit. Step by step to teach students to understand the characteristics and measurement of the LED. (ii) Advanced stage: Including Buck-Based LED Drivers, Boost Converters, Boost-Buck Converters, LED Drivers with Power Factor Correction and Fly-Back Converters. Step by step to introduce the design principle and application of LED lightning drive circuit. (iii) Special topic stage: Combining the theory and experiment introduced in the foundation sheet and advanced sheet and embedding system to guide the students to make special topics, which includes: (a) semaphore traffic light control; (b) little green men traffic signal control; (c) the integrated traffic light transportation control system combining with b and c; (d) intelligent LED lighting.
