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篇名 澄清湖之觀光意象與經營策略之研究
卷期 29
並列篇名 A Study of Tourism Image and Management Strategy for Cheng Ching Lake
作者 李啓誠
頁次 061-080
關鍵字 觀光意象澄清湖定位經營策略Tourism imageCheng Ching LakePositioningManagement strategy
出刊日期 201610


澄清湖風景區是一頗具特色的觀光旅遊園區,然而其昔日風華不再,經營與遊客量逐年下 滑。本研究旨在探討澄清湖之意象與經營策略,擬由遊客對澄清湖之認知,予以重新定位並研擬 未來經營策略,以期澄清湖風景區恢復往日榮景。經由問卷調查隨機抽取427 份有效樣本,並利 用敘述統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析等方法分析。所獲得結果是,遊客對澄清湖之觀光意象 普遍有正向的認知,它是一具有多元功能與價值的風景區,頗適合從事觀光旅遊、休閒、運動及 團體舉辦活動,尤其是多人聚會活動更能襯托出澄清湖的功能與價值;再加上澄清湖亦是重要水 源地,生態豐富,故將澄清湖重新定位為「都會區水資源生態觀光遊憩園區」。未來經營策略短 期採取「產品發展策略」,而中長期則實施「市場滲透策略」。藉由增加”水”資源為主題的體驗 區與景點、特色餐飲及發展新亮點等之產品策略,結合延聘志工與訓練;並加強公共關係、實施 低價滲透、善用網路行銷,及透過舉辦活動與說故事等之推廣策略,以吸引更多人潮,使澄清湖 變成高雄觀光的新亮點。


Cheng Ching Lake Scenic Area is a distinctive tourism park, but its business declined year by year with tourists, the old elegance longer. This study was designed to investigate the image and the business strategy of the Cheng Ching Lake, to be considered by the tourists on cognitive Cheng Ching Lake, to be repositioned and to develop future business strategy, in order to restore the past glory of Cheng Ching Lake Scenic View. 427 questionnaires were randomly selected via valid samples and using descriptive statistical , t test, one-way analysis of variance analysis and so on. The obtained result, Cheng Ching Lake is a polyol having a scenic tour point and event space, and quite fit in the tourism, leisure, sports and community events, especially multiplayer gatherings better bring out the functions and value of Cheng Ching Lake ; plus it is also an important water source, ecological wealth, so let it repositioned as "eco-tourism metropolitan area of water recreation park." Short-term business strategy takes "product development strategy," and the implementation of long-term is "market penetration strategy." By increasing the "water" resource-themed experience area and attractions, catering and the development of new product strategy highlights, etc., combined instruct volunteers and training; and strengthening of public relations, the implementation of low-cost penetration, use of Internet marketing, through storytelling and other events and promotional strategies to attract more crowds, so Cheng Ching Lake Kaohsiung to become a new bright spot of sightseeing.
