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篇名 組織知識管理的導入模式
卷期 29
並列篇名 Constructing an Implement Model of organizational Knowledge Management
作者 施文玲蔡俊彥吳百祿
頁次 081-100
關鍵字 知識管理團隊知識管理社群知識管理系統知識管理流程知識管理績效KM teamKM communityKM systemsKM processesKM performance
出刊日期 201610




The purpose of this study was to investigate the dimensions of organizational knowledge management (KM), so as to construct an implementation model of knowledge management. Using semi-constructed interviews to seven scholars and experts with more than five years experience in knowledge management field, it showed that the implementation model of knowledge management includes five dimensions as follows: KM team, KM community, KM system, KM process, and performance. In this model, the determination and the promoting process of KM team may affect KM community on organizing effectiveness as well as KM system on constructing effectiveness. These three dimensions may generate KM performance through KM process. The whole process in this model contains mutual effects, mobility, transformation, circulation, and recurrence.
