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篇名 以SEM 探討消費動機與顧客關係管理對顧客終身價值的影響—以芳療消費者為例
卷期 29
並列篇名 The effects of the consumer motivation and customer relationship management on customer lifetime value by using SEM-an example of aromatherapy consumers
作者 蔡文玲洪馨蓮
頁次 101-116
關鍵字 消費動機顧客關係管理顧客終身價值the consumer motivationcustomer relationship managementcustomer lifetime value
出刊日期 201610


如何擁有長期的忠誠顧客是企業經營管理重視的議題。本研究以芳療消費者為例,利用 Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)模式驗證消費動機與顧客關係管理對顧客終身價值的影響。收 集400 位芳療消費者的問卷調查,進行統計分析。結果發現:消費動機與顧客關係管理對顧客終 身價值呈顯著有意義正相關。而消費動機對顧客終身價值的影響力大於顧客關係管理。因此, 若欲提升美容美體的市場競爭力,建議從消費動機的滿足及有效管理顧客關係著手。


How to increase the loyalty of the customers has become an important issue of business management. The purpose of this study is to verify the effects of the consumer motivation and customer relationship management on the customer lifetime value by using the structural equation modeling (SEM). We collected 400 questionnaires from aromatherapy consumers, and observed statistically significant positive correlations for the two variables of consumer motivation and customer relationship management with the scale of customer lifetime value. A stronger power of influence on the customer lifetime value was observed in the consumer Motivation than the customer relationship management. Therefore, to enhance the competitiveness in the marketing of beauty business, we suggested the satisfaction of consumer motivation and the effectiveness of customer relationship management are the first steps to be initiated.
