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篇名 行動科技興起對年輕族群數位閱讀新聞行為影響之研究
卷期 29
作者 胡宗鳳江文鉅
頁次 117-132
關鍵字 數位閱讀新聞行為行動科技智慧型手機平板電腦科技接受與使用整合模式Digital reading behavioralmobile technologysmart phonetabletUTAUT
出刊日期 201610




With the development of information technology, mobile technology is an integral part in all aspects of life, especially in the younger age (40 or less). They were high dependence on smart phone and Internet. However, the news media with the progress of information are also changing and restructuring, to make younger behavioral changed. The issue of reading behavior is worthy of further exploration, while the rise of technology. This study aimed to understand how young people to use mobile devices (smart phone, tablets) for receive news and knowledge, perspective based on intention and behavior. This study designed questionnaire based on UTAUT. The completion of this study is helpful for the industry of news in industrial restructuring and services support. A questionnaire survey was adopted and data were collected on Internet. A total of 159 questionnaires were recalled. Based on the findings, the suggestions have been proposed as follow.
